Monday, June 19, 2017


Pan de sal or Pandesal, Spanish for salt bread, is a yeast-raised bread usually made of flour, sugar, and salt. It is one of the most common bread rolls consumed regularly in the Philippines regardless of one’s socio-economic status. To most Filipinos, it serves as their breakfast or merienda bread which can either be consumed plain and dipped in hot coffee or hot chocolate, or spread with their desired filling such as peanut butter, cheese, coco jam and margarine with sugar. Today, variations have been made to the traditional plain pan de sal. One of the most common has been the addition of malunggay leaves to the bread. Found in almost...

Saturday, June 3, 2017


Cordon bleu’s is a popular menu in hotels and resto here in Negros but have you wondered where this dish or menu got its name? I’m pretty sure it did not cross your mind. Here is the catch would you be more curious how did the cordon bleu reach the Philippines, how about is the CORDON BLEU that we love to eat today is not the original recipe. Did I get your attention? I would like to tell you some facts about the dish we called CORDON BLUE. Cordon bleu means a blue ribbon worn by the Knights Grand Cross of the French Order instituted by HENRY III of France in 1578, is the highest order of Chivalry. By extension, the term has since been...

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