Monday, September 1, 2014

Spicy Breaded Pork Chop

Spicy Breaded Pork Chop
Is another kind of pork chop recipe, blend with spices and amazing crackling mixtures of bread crumbs. Simple kind of pork chop recipe but it have an amazing taste, juicy, crispy and visual appealing to the eye and most especially to the kids. They will surely love this.

2 lbs. pork chops
1 ½ tbsp. table salt
¾ cup bread crumbs
½ cup flour
1 tsp. salt
1 piece raw eggs
½ tsp. ground black pepper
½ tsp. chili powder (chili flakes)
1 tsp. beef seasoning powder  
1 ½ cups cooking oil

Cooking Procedure
Clean the pork chops and pat dry using paper towels.
Rub seasoned salt around each chop and place inside the fridge (3 hours)
Beat the egg and whisk-in salt and pepper. Set Aside.
Combine the bread crumbs, flour, and beef seasoning powder, chili flakes, in a small freezer (mix well). Set Aside.
Heat frying pan and pour-in cooking oil.
Dip each chop in the egg mixture then dredge in flour mixture.
When the oil is hot, fry the pork chops in medium heat. Cook each side until the color turns golden brown.
Turn off the heat and transfer the cooked pork chops in a plate with paper towel.
Serve with steamed rice.



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