Friday, May 29, 2015

Grilled Pork

-          One of the simplest recipes which Filipino citizens love the most. Mostly served during outing where it can be done mostly on any parts of the place. You only have to bring a “uling” or charcoal on the other hand for cooking the pork meat. And a grilling steel and a marinated and ready to cook pork for the best outcome. 

Pork Belly about 3 lbs. (sliced on a thinner and medium length)
¾ cup of soy sauce
5 pieces Calamansi or lime
1 tbsp. garlic powder
¼ tbsp. Ground black pepper
1 tsp. hot sauce

Cooking procedure:
In a large bowl, combine all mixture except for the pork belly. Then mix well.
Put the pork belly on the resealable bag. Then pour in the mixture to the bag, let all air out then seal. Let the pork be marinated for atleast 30 minutes or 1 hour.
Heat up the grill using the “uling”. Then start grilling the pork. Take note: each side of the pork must be grilled well for the best result.
Remove the pork belly then let it cool. Slice it into serving pieces.
Best serve with vinegar mixture. Serve and Enjoy!


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